Silver Strand Pics, Links, NTF #1, 2008 Season, Briand, Podium News, Canada's Best Speedskating Story, More Canadian News, 50 Holland Best Of Pics
Silver Strand Pics: Click here for Glenn Koshi's photos from the Silver Strand Marathon.
Silver Strand Marathon- photo from Glenn Koshi
Links: Let's start off the days with a few links from Germany to click- here is the Speed-Skate-Berlin Forum- how do I know it exists? I've been getting a lot of hits from that site. Another site you can explore is Speedskating bei Blau-Gelb Groß-Gerau. The final link is Speed-Team-Stuttgart.
NTF #1: You can find some results from this season's first NTF which took place in Cedartown, GA last weekend. The next NTF is scheduled December 9th.
2008 Season: The California Cup's '08 schedule is online- you can read about here.
In a thread called Where Do We Go From Here?, Robert Burson asks 'the 2008 Event Calendar is now packed with 26 inline marathon...
...It suggests that inline skating remains healthy in North America.
But the flip-side is that many of the events are small (100-200 skaters), which makes organizing events a labor of love in most cases.
Any thoughts about what we could do to grow the sport in 2008?'
Briand: Pascal Briand has a few entries in his blog, including french team long track in salt lake city....
The French team in Salt Lake City- photo from Pascal Briand
Podium News: Skate Podium- if you can't read these, you might want to run the links through Babel Fish Translation. You can find an article on FlevOnIce called Flevonice vordert gestaag.
Click here for a view feature on Stefan Groothuis who is recovering from an injury- he even shows his skate where the blade cut through, eek.
Are you taking part in the Marathon Manager competition? I am, but I won't tell you which place I am in. Here's an update on the competition.
Canada's Best Speedskating Story: Here's a cool article; Catriona Le May Doan Begins the Search For Canada’s Best Speed Skating Story- it says 'Canada is a great nation of speed skaters and we know that there are incredible stories happening everyday at rinks and ovals at community clubs across Canada'.
More Canadian News: Patinage De Vitesse Courte Piste has put up some material- the first is about commentary about doping in sports from the world conference on sport doping.
Another article is about athletes cooking as a fundraiser for the 2008 and 2010 Olympics.
Mathieu Turcotte (left)- photo from Patinage De Vitesse Courte Piste
50 Holland Best Of Pics: Click here for some eye candy- 50 best pictures from 2001-2007 of the Skate-A-Round Holland.
One of the best 50 pictures- photo from
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