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Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Sweet Site, EGCSkates' New Boots, Links, Long Track News, Short Track News, Houston IM, Photos From Lynnwood

Sweet Site: Earlier today while I was at work, my friend Joey sent me a MSN message with the link to this site; Encompass Training- I spent some time surfing around and IMO, it's just an awesome site and a very good resource! Definitely going in the links on the right hand side. There's lots and lots for you to explore, including the blog Inline Speed Skating - Our 'Quest' For a 'Good' Year and Florida Associated Speed Team.

EGCSkates' New Boots: I went to the Scooter's Indoor Speed Club practice last night. Eric Gee was amongst those in attendance at practice. Eric skated on his latest home-made boots- you can read about them in Ride On, Boot Updates- he made them for long track. They look very sleek and they're light.

Yesterday's indoor practice was Scooter's' 2nd practice for the 07-08 season. Candy Wong wrote about the start of the new indoor season in Back To Indoors!.

While we're on the indoor topic, here's something that you might enjoy reading; First ever indoor session - oh the suck of it all!. How about this for a quote; 'I skated my first indoor session last night... wow. Wow have I been exposed as a complete charlatan!'. Music fans, remember the Charlatans UK? I was into them some 15 years ago or so. Speaking about music, did you download Radiohead's newest album called In Rainbows? To download it, all you need to do is set your own price, from free to a lot.

Links: I am sure a few people knew about this site long before I did; Speedskating Results- it is what it's called. Tons and tons and tons of results. There are more than what I know to do with!

The other site that could possibly interest you is Inline Skating Notebook. It's got plenty of good articles and news, such as this one; The Next Step which looks at 3x125mm set ups...

The last new link I'd like to share with you today is JMC Gear- the winning uniforms. Hmm, could there be a SSW uniform in the words somewhere down the road?

Long Track News: It seems as though Linda Wood's site What it's like to be a 'Speed Skating Spectator' has its last entry for a while from Salt Lake City- see Last Day At The Oval.... There's a short video of the oval the regular going-ons.

As we wait for the upcoming long track world cup to take place in Salt Lake City, there's news coming out of sites like Flyin Brian- he's reporting that Shani Davis is repoting that he won't be skating the world cup- see Shani Davis will not skate SLC World Cup.

He also talks about the weekend time trials in Salt Lake City- see Salt Lake City Weekend World TTs.

Skate Podium keeps putting up great news and articles; see here and here. You might want to run the articles through Babel Fish Translation if you can't read Dutch.

Short Track News: Patinage Vitesse Courte Piste has linked up to a few items of interest- see the last few entries including Du succès pour les athlètes en patinage de vitesse courte piste de Saint-Jérôme, Des équipements en ruine, and Circuit Élite #1 à Montréal.

Marianne Laberge and Frédéric Blackburn- photo from Patinage Vitesse Courte Piste

Houston IM: Here is another reading assignment for you, this time, it's on this past weekend's Houston Inline Marathon- so far it is 2 pages worth of Tell Us About Houston.

Photos From Lynnwood: A recent post on Hyper's form called Photos from Lynnwood, WA has a link to photos- see Mark Virtue's hundreds and hundreds of pictures here.

Lynnwood standard long race- photo by Mark Virtue

Lynnwood standar medium distance- photo by Mark Virtue

Lynnwood 2 mix relays- photo by Mark Virtue


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