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Monday, October 08, 2007

A2A, Hard Skater, Bont TV Videos- Training With Begg & Youth Girls, IP New York 100k Report, Massi Wins 6th WIC Title, Fresh New FIRS Site Section

A2A- Double Canadian Win: Aaron Arndt (Bampton) and Martine Charbonneau (Greenfield Park) were crowned Athens to Atlanta championns yesterday. More on their feats and accomplishments tomorrow.

I am exhausted, the drive was long- a big part of the drive home was done with the company of Herb Gayle, Aaron & his brother Dean, and their friend Erin- now I'm off to bed. I'll put up pictures and stories tomorrow. In the mean time, you can find a whole bunch of stuff that will keep you reading and reading;
-Some initial resutls & thoughts
-Inline Planet's Report
-Peter Starykowicz's A2A Report

Hard Skater: Quiz time!

What is hard skater?

You got 3 choices- chose carefully

A) Hard skater is a nickname my girlfriend has for me me...Um, hey now!

B) It's what my competition calls me in the sense that I am a hard skater to race and to beat!

C) Hard Skater is an online magazine- you have to get a subsription to get all the goodies, like features, tips, training, reports, gossip, a skate shop, and more (click here to view the free passwords).

Bont TV Videos- Training With Begg & Youth Girls: A couple of new videos have been posted on Bont TV; you can find an informative clip where Bill Begg gives skating advice with the help of Nicole Begg as a demonskater- Training with Bill Begg #1.

The 2nd video looks like just good 'ol racing; see Youth girls 4x 60m 22 September.

IP New York 100k Report: Check out the Inline Planet's New York 100k report.

Massi Wins 6th WIC Title: Alex Bont has written some very kind words about Massi Presti, this year's World Inline Cup grand champion. He writes 'When you think about the consistency needed to achieve this, you really have to take your hat off to him. Not only was he consistent, but he continues to put himself in the right position for the win race after race. Suffering from jet lag, pain, tiredness, he still wins and this is the mark of a true champion'- you can read the whole entry in Massi Wins 6th WIC Title.

Massimiliano Presti- this year's WIC champion- photo from Bont

Massimiliano Presti- what a finish!- photo from Bont

Fresh New FIRS Site Section: 'After the Streaming Live of the 2007 FIRS worlds, the enhancement of the Media Gallery of the various disciplines, the results and pics of the main events of the season 2007, here's a brand new section where each one of YOU, can give your personal contribution...' [read more]


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