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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Presti Vs Zoe, Weekend Recap, Vancouver Update, Passion's Moment, Nicole Begg's New Car, Berlin Pics

Presti Vs Zoe: The video below of Presti Vs Zoe is an excellent example of how my cats get's a daily occurence... well, it usually happens at about 5am while I am trying to sleep... the orange cat (Presti) has grown a lot since I shot this video 1 year ago.

Weekend Recap: There was lots of racing action this weekend for us to follow- click here for all the results from the Cam Am long track race- note that Jordan Belchos won the 10k.

You can find results from the 3rd short track world cup here and here. Here's an article for you; All the Canadian men advance directly to quarterfinals at short track speed skating World Cup.

Short track world cup #3- photo from KNSB

Sunday finals- Steve Robillard in front of Jordan Malone- Short track world cup #3- photo from KNSB

Sunday finals- Short track world cup #3- photo from KNSB

I am still waiting for results from the Margarita Grand Prix- there is some news from PatinCarrera- including Juan Jardines (Venezuela) winning the 100-meter sprint.

If you'd like to browse through Harm de Boer Fotografie's always good pictures of long track marathons- this weekend's KNSB cup in Alkmaar and the Essent Cup in Amsterdam, use the following links; Essent Cup #6, Alkmaar KNSB men A, Alkmaar KNSB men B, and Alkmaar KNSB men women.

KNSB Cup Alkmaar men A- photo from Harm de Boer Fotografie

KNSB Cup Alkmaar women- photo from Harm de Boer Fotografie

Essent Cup #6- Amsterdam- photo from Harm de Boer Fotografie

Vancouver Update: Here's a link Vancouver 2010 Olympic Games with pictures of the 2010 Olympic oval construction.

Vancouver's 2010 Olympic long track oval being constructed- photo from Conny

Passion's Moment: Passion On Wheels' Jacky Shu put up a short entry called Moment.

Nicole Begg's New Car: This is pretty cool; Nicole Begg gets a new car- click here for more.

Berlin Pics: I was surfing around the net yesterday checking out Gavin Pollock's blog- with a click here and a clikc there, I wound up on LondSkaters Speed Team's photos from the Berlin WIC.

I'll always remember Aaron Arndt's description of the first few km's of this year's Berlin WIC- he told about how lots of skaters stopped skating after a few km's and how slippery the course was... it's gotta suck to be that guy going down at the front of the group!


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