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Friday, October 26, 2007

ST World Cup #2- Japan, Doping Case

Good morning from beautiful Mississauga (that's where I live). Things have been really busy here with work and applications for bursaries and getting my training back on track. I have a plethora of news stored on my computer at home. I have a few minutes now to post some stuff; I am supposed to be teaching grade 1 right now, but they have gone on a school trip to a pumpkin farm! How fun!

ST World Cup #2- Japan: The 2nd short track speed skating world cup in Kobe, Japan, is currently under way. For results, the site that you'll want to visit all weekend long is here.

Doping Case: According to many sources (see French Skater Accused of Doping, Possible Doping At World's This Year, DOPING CASE in CALI ), France's Julien Despaux has been accused of doping after some testing at the 2007 world championships in Cali, Colombia. He won 3 silver medals there.

France's Julie Despaux leads his heat at the 2007 world championships

Despaux posted a message, saying 'Hi, I'd like to tell everyone who has read this forum, that I was not considered as positive after the first part of the test. The analysis of testosterone is based on a ratio : testo/episto (or T/E). The limit of the WADA is 4 and I was 6,9 in Cali.

The problem of this simple analysis is that a ratio can increase by two ways: or by increasing the first value (testo) or by decreasing the second (epitesto).

I had ever that kind of problem with doping test in the past and it was proven that my testosterone is naturally provided by my body (by IRMS analysis you see if the production is endogene or exogene). Moreover, an endocrinologist said me that it was a lack of epitestosterone that made my ratio increasing.

So all the anti-doping doctors know that kind of case (as someone told in this forum) (it seems to happen to 1%of people). Today, you're not considered as positive after the only analysis of the ratio and they have to do complementary analysis with IRMS to know if the higher level is natural or not.

I have to say that yesterday I had the confirmation I was waiting for about the fact that it's natural, and the test is negative...

One advice for everybody who can read it: don't suspect or insult anyone before to know exactly what's going could be a 'bummer' for you too


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