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Wednesday, August 22, 2007

From Cali- Entry #18

From Cali- Entry #18: Team Des has posted a HOT and NOT at the World Track Championships.

Now that I've had time to read what she wrote, it makes me think back to the times I've been to the world championships. Everytime I come back home, my friends ask me about worlds, and I try to tell them all about it.

There are many stories that happen at the world championships, many are told, and some, well you will and should never hear. The things some people know...

One that I am honoured to tell is of a Mexican skater named Alan Coronado. I hope I typed in his name correctly. I've become pretty good friends with him over the last few years at worlds and at the Pan Am games. He has transformed himself into an extremely fast sprinter. Earlier today in the 200-meter time trials, he laid down a fast time that had the potential of putting him in the top-12 at worlds- good enough to skate in tonight's final.

Mexico's Alan Coronado after his 200-meter sprint

In the end, he finished 13th- one spot away from skating in tonight's final. Looking at the results from the 200-meter sprint, he was in very good and elite company. Many of us wished Alan to move on to the final, but it wasn't in the cards for him. Alan and I spoke after his time trial- and while we were speaking, one of his team-mates told him that he was in the top-12! We immediately shook hands, hugged, and ran over to the computer to the athlete's tent to comfirm the result on PatinCarrera. Alan was immediately disappointed, but handled everything with class- he was pleased that he skated his best in his race and that he was amongst the world's best sprinters.

I always think back to the world championships and other events; how many great stories take place right underneath our nosese and we don't even know they are right there, unfolding in front of us. Over the last few days, I've heard tales of skaters breaking their backs last year and coming back, I've witnessed skaters crash and get hurt and leave the competition, I've seen skaters win medals and dedicate them to their parents, I've seen friendships flourish, I've seen and heard a lot.

Here are a few stories for you; Jessica Smith is flying back home after breaking her collar bone. I think I can type on behalf of everyone at worlds in wishing her the best in her recovery.

You might want to see more stories through pictures like these.

Mantia wins the 1000-meters- photo by Alex Bont

You can find more recent points and perspectives in World Champs Cali All News. Of course for more links and stories and what you need, use the links on the right side- I can't quite keep up with all the new items that are going up. Maybe you can do a better job than me...

So what are you doing tonight? Are you going to do like many fans are doing and clicking left-center-and-right in your web browser to view videos and results and picutre? For me, for tonight; the 10km points race- my plan is to hold on for dear life! And the 200-meter finals- the plan for me is to watch and probably take a few videos and photos.

The Canariam booth- check out the metal skater at the bottom left

Business as usual

Bont doing business

An unusual sight- the track is void of athletes, officials, fans, sponsors, photographers, etc. This picture was taken earlier today after the 200-meter sprints...

...when only a few remainded behind...

...but thess seats will be packed tonight!

Some of the homes we pass on the way from the track to the hotel (or from the hotel to the track)

Sergio Almeralla

Martine Charbonneau- checking her road-rash from a fall. So far in these championships, Jesse Pauley, Martine Charbonneau, Alex D'mello, and I are the only Canadians who have fallen

Jesse Pauley- it looks like he is shouting something, probably 'Speed Skate World rocks! Peter Doucet is the best! Let's all give him free wheels! Let's all sponsor him!'


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