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Saturday, August 25, 2007

From Cali- Entry #25

Here is a Cali quickie for you.

As you probably already know, the marathon took place earlier today. Form the Canadian side, there were no tales or heroism or let downs; we all skated just about where we should have.

I’ve got to say the very few things in inline skating can top the atmosphere in the town where the marathon started. There were thousands of people lined km upon km just to see each pack skate by one time. That’s it.

Before the start, many of the senior men were getting pictures taken, clapping hands, and signing autographs for the fans who let us in their city and came out to watch for us. It was a nice gesture for everyone.

The marathon course was tough- it made many of us suffer and many of the top skaters drop out. As I came across the finish line for the first of 3 times barely hanging on to the pack, I was surprised to see how many good skaters had dropped out.

While the senior men were waiting in a sort of place that I can’t describe, they had the racing on television, and we could see that the junior men had caught the junior women and the top junior women were mixed into the pack with the guys. I saw on the results that Italy came 1st and 2nd. You can find some marathon results here and some awesome marathon photos here.

USa's Joey Mantia wins the senior varones (men) marathon, taking home his 6th? 7th? gold medal of these world championships- Mantia or Hedrick- you weight in- photo from PatinCarrera

What surprised me the most though was that the entire senior women’s Korean team dropped out really early in the race. The junior men and women and senior women raced in wet conditions while the senior men had to deal with severe dust early on and a few fallen skater through town as well as the odd puddle here and there-

The marathon finished at a British school and there was a pool- many of us jumped in with our skins suits or our boxers while the big crowd had taken over the streets.

Oh, and for the skin suit market, I traded for a Venezuela skin suit and for one from Guatemala.

The best thing about today's marathon is that it actually ran on time and we got to the hotel early enough to eat and have a nap! So, tonight The party and everyone is currently getting ready! Everyone’s going to the banquet and everyone is going out to the club afterwards.

Junior women's marathon on tv...

...while the senior men (and this coach from Cuba) wait...

...and watch with interest...

...that's me...

...and they watch

Outside near the starting line- thousands upon thousands of people lined the street for one single short glipse of the world's best skaters

After the marathon- this was sort of like a market; skin suits and clothing and equipment changed hands over and over again

Outside near the finish line- again, large crowds had garthered

Some of the Colombia team

One of these chased Mister Taylor


Anonymous Anonymous said...

1- why does your coach look like a sort of jazz/gansta with his black hat? Is he there in Cali on his own terms, and to help you guys, or is he there to coach team canada? Not clear...

Saturday, August 25, 2007 11:09:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canadian coach has red hair and fair you really have an issue with someone protecting themselves from the sun?

Yes he is there to coach.

Monday, August 27, 2007 1:19:00 AM


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