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Saturday, August 25, 2007

From Cali- Entry #23

From Cali- Entry #23: Oh man oh man, there's always a ton that's taking place at the world championships, and I can only communicate a fraction of my experiences and of what I learn through SSW.

First the relays were great to watch- in the junior women, the racing action was intense early on as 4 of the 6 countries fell, and Germany was out in front. They were caught and finished a little behind while Colombia took over and won the race.

USA struck double gold with the senior relays in high speed finishes that came down to hawks. It was great racing action to witness. It was nice to see the women's senior team from Argentina finally earn a medal during these championships- bronze in the relay. They seemed super happy. Somehow, I don't blame them. I think if won a medal, I'd be, well, you'd know how I would feel!

The marathon is set to take place tomorrow. Sergio and I took a taxi and drove the route and video taped the marathon course for the rest of the Canadian team. The route is fairly simple- it's about 3km's in a city with 40 thousand people- narrow streets lined with old shops. The course then winds into the country after a few round-a-bouts and we skate a 16km look 2 1/2 times.

The problem is that the roads will close early and the start line and finish lines are about 10km apart. The bus is picking the team up at 6am and will be at the start line for 7am. The bus will then take the coaches and managers and athlete's bags back to the start line. Seeing that the junior women are supposed to start at 8am, it's probably ok that they don't have their bags. But the senior men are set to start at 11:45- that means they (we) will spend the better part of 5 hours without shoes, skate bags, shirts, or anything that we need...

In light of that, Sergio and I are not getting up at 5am; we are sleeping until 8am and taking a taxi at about 9am. The plan is to arrive at the finish line by 10am, give our skate bags to Mister Taylor, our team manager, and then skate to the start line as a warm up.

I think that after the maraton, I will try to trade my skin suits. I already have Mexico's Alan Coronado's suit lined up. I am trying to trick the skaters from Holland into trading with me, but they are not allowed to trade. I also want a France suit and a Chile suit, but it's the same deal; the suits are either new or owned by the federations. Alex D'mello traded suits with Boaz, the skater from Israel. I was thinking of lining up that trade, but Alex beat me to the punch.

To be honest with you, I have a feeling that the marathon will get under way later than planned. Chances are we'll get back to the hotel fairly late and then we'll rush off to the party/ banquet, so I can't commit to getting updates on SSW. I can't promise that I'll have any pictures either.

So after the marathon, we will fiesta! Errr, party! Most of the Canadian team is leaving on the 26th at 4:30am (that's the night/ morning of the party- poor them).

Mister Taylor giving Leah Kaluta and Morgane Echardour last minute instructions before the relays

Senior women's relay heat #1- Canada in the mix

Senior women's relay heat #1- Canada's Leah Kaluta in the mix

Senior women's relay heat #1- Morgane Echardour coming out for the exchange

Senior women's relay heat #1- Martine Charbonneau hanging tight

Senior women's relay heat #1- Morgane Echardour keeping pace

Senior women's relay heat #1- Leah Kaluta

Senior men's relay

Senior men's relay

Martine Charbonneau and Morgane Echardour

That's me buying a music instrument for my music teaching

Dogs everywhere!

Sergio Almeralla and two of our friendly guards

This truck was filled with hundreds of bottles

Outskirts of Cali

Outskirts of Cali

Part of the marathon course

A horse on the marathon course

The marathon course...

...more of the marathon course

Strange animals along the marathon course

Extreme close up of the marathon course

Our dear taxi driver Luis, Sergio (in the back seat) and I

La Muneca has skating posters all over the place. For dinner tonight, I made myself some Cecelia Baena pasta!

Alex Bont and the 3D foot scanner- testing it on Wayne Begg's foot. I cannot explain the strange images of Wayne's foot that were popping up on the screen- some images were missing toes, and in other scans, his toes were way up

Junior women's relay final

Junior men's relay final


Mystico and I- I think Senior Loco will beat Mystico at the wrestling match during tomorrow's banquet. Senior Loco has been training all year. I know him, and he hates Mexico's Mystico

Senior women's relay final

This man was selling slideboards. I bought one

Bont's machine that scans the feet- Bont has had a nightmarish time geting this machine into Colombia and then getting it working. Word on the track is that the machine will be in Duluth for the Northshore Inline Marathon!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

El pinchi Sergio Almeralla esta feo!! Feisimo!!

Que se mueran los feos! Que se mueran los feos! Que mueran toditos, toditos, toditos, toditos los feos! Ajua!!!

Saludos pal' Sergio!

Saturday, August 25, 2007 10:38:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Petr,
do you have www pages or some contact on man selling slideboards please. Is this slideboard roll up?
Thans Petr.

Monday, August 27, 2007 1:35:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Petr,
do you have www pages or some contact on man selling slideboards please. Is this slideboard roll up?
Thans Petr.

Monday, August 27, 2007 1:36:00 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey pistol pete, how was that marathon for ya?

Monday, August 27, 2007 6:26:00 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Que se mueran los feos!!

Saturday, September 01, 2007 12:14:00 PM


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